17th OpenAirGallery, Oberbaumbrücke, Berlino, Germania (ES)
Position red, Galerie Z22, Wilmersdorf, Berlino, Germania (ES)
Revolutionary Metamathematical Paintings, Spazio galerie, Wedding, Berlino, Germania (ES)
The Berlin’s black shroud” in “Stationen”, Galerie MIR, Spandau, Berlino, Germania (ES)
Metamathematical jorney from the ground to the water, Rio Grande galerie, Kreuzberg, Berlino, Germania (ES)
Metamathematical journey from the ground to the sky, 11-line Galerie, Potsdam, Germania (ES)
16th OpenAirGallery, Oberbaumbrücke, Berlino, Germania (ES)
The Manifesto of Metamathematical Painting: the Module-I and Compositions, Villa Draghi, Montegrotto Terme (PD)
The Metamathematical Happening of Venice, Bevilacqua La Masa’s Foundation, Venezia (VE)
Dalla terra al cielo, Palazzo Zabarella, Padova (PD)